Focused suggestion Paragraph indention

  • I am a fiction writer. I have used a dozen or so writing packages.

    Focused does one thing better than any other. With Zen it is the best immersive writing environment - simple, clean, non-disruptive.

    Still I can not recommend it. I can cut and past to MS-Word for more advanced features, but the lack of an indented paragraph means that I have to go over every line after pasting to MS-Word ti input paragraphs. More attention to this feature would make it my go-to program for long composition.

  • administrators

    Hi and thanks for the feedback. Currently the core markdown specification doesn't include indented paragraphs. That said, we are reviewing the markdown parser currently used in Focused with the intent to allow extensions to be added to the base markdown specification. At this point we would be able to look into adding non markdown extensions such as indentation if that is needed.

    I hope that helps and let us know if you have any other feedback :)



  • When you export as RTF and import into Word, you should get the paragraph breaks you expect and can then have them formatted within Word however you want.

  • @Mike Hi, Mike. Wondering where things stand on the paragraph indent issue. As zendog3 mentioned, lack of indent is the only thing keeping me from using it as my sole processor. While exporting via RTF may retain paragraph returns, there's no substitute to having them visible. Thanks,

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