General Questions

  • administrators

    What version of OS X does Focused support?

    Focused supports OS X 10.9 Mavericks or newer, including OS X 10.10 Yosemite.

    Where can I buy Focused?

    Focused is be available from the 71Squared Store. To find out how to register your copy of Focused, read this help article on how to register Focused.

    Can I Save/Open documents in iCloud Drive, Dropbox, etc.?

    Sure! You can save documents to any location accessible on your Mac. Simply choose File > Save/Open and confirm where on your Mac the document is to be saved to or opened from.

    Can I adjust the font, size, background colour and line length?

    Choose View > Show Fonts (Command-T) to show the various options available to customise Focused's writing view. Toggle the Responsive Layout option to reveal the manual/fixed layout controls.

    Can I play the soundtracks outside of Zen mode?

    Of course! Whether your in Zen Mode or not, you can always choose Zen > Play/Pause Soundtrack, or use the handy keyboard shortcuts to skip to the next/previous soundtrack.

    Can I disable the user interface sound effects?

    Looking for some extra Zen? Toggle the Play user interface sound effects option in Focused's Preferences, which can be opened by choosing Focused > Preferences (Command-Comma).

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