In today’s world where new technology is the order of the day, it is very easy for you to buy a counterfeit product without being aware. However, if you do a thorough research before running to the stores to buy the product, you will find it very easy to get an authentic quality product. Having said that, let’s now focus our attention on how to find the best water heater. In the past few years, a lot of technological advancement has happened in the world of water heaters, whereby, the traditional, less energy efficient water heaters have been kicked out and a whole range of other more energy efficient water heaters found their way into the market. The best example of these new units is the state select water heater. This is a fantastic heater that is more durable and energy efficient. It has been tested under extremely tough and harsh conditions to ascertain its durability. Also, it comes with more standardized components that have already been tested.