Focused is a great app for writers. I´m a writer and I have some ideas to improve Focused on Mac. Is a kind of Whishlist
1.-Volume control for music in Zen mode (this would allow listen simultaneusly to a zen background sound (water or wind) from Focused and my own itunes music, each one at desired levels)
2.-Option to add keysounds on typing, like a mechanical typewriter, similar to "Keyup" app. (I write under a key rhythm mood and need that "click, click", thing)
3.-Option to choose any tipography installed on each user´s system (¿What if I preffer to use Apple "San Francisco" or Amazon "Bookerly" ?)
4.-Include Binaural creativity booster tracks (white noise mixed with ocean waves, white noise mixed with rain or hability to create a personalized audio (similar to Noizio app)
Thank you very much.