Please make file numbers 001, 002, 003, etc
At the moment, when stitching together images, I have to renumber files 1-9 and also file 100 as you have mixed number string lengths of 0, 00, & 000 in the file names.
Please make file numbers 001, 002, 003, etc
At the moment, when stitching together images, I have to renumber files 1-9 and also file 100 as you have mixed number string lengths of 0, 00, & 000 in the file names.
the updates are going in a good direction.
I always try to push the limits, still crashing when making 50 frames or more (only sometimes and usually not when its the only software running - ie conflicts) . Using 1080 x 1080 pixels I get good results - any bigger resolution is entering crash territory.
Creative advancement? I am sick of puppies, vietnamese huts, scooters & beetles, is there any way to add your own libraries so we can get say butterfly, or spirals, etc