Glyph Designer Export Samples
Below is example output generated by Glyph Designer. There are two files that Glyph Designer generates, one being a PNG which contains the characters defined in your project and the other is a control file that defines where each of the characters is located within the image, as well as information about how the glyphs should be placed next to each other e.g. their spacing and kerning.
There is a single image file below and then a control file in each of the formats supported by Glyph Designer.
The image below shows the exported image file from Glyph Designer. This is the Marker Felt font at 64pt with a stroke and gradient fill applied.
The text below is an example of the data that is contained within the control file. The text below is from the XML based output.
<info face="MarkerFelt-Thin" size="43" bold="0" italic="0" chasrset="" unicode="0" stretchH="100" smooth="1" aa="1" padding="0,0,0,0" spacing="2,2"/> <common lineHeight="47" base="37" scaleW="512" scaleH="256" pages="1" packed="0"/> <pages> <page id="0" file="MarkerFelt.png"/> </pages> <chars count="94"> <char id="32" x="114" y="224" width="0" height="0" xoffset="0" yoffset="38" xadvance="13" page="0" chnl="0" letter="space"/> <char id="33" x="58" y="143" width="14" height="43" xoffset="1" yoffset="-4" xadvance="11" page="0" chnl="0" letter="!"/> <char id="34" x="416" y="188" width="19" height="19" xoffset="1" yoffset="-4" xadvance="15" page="0" chnl="0" letter="""/> <char id="35" x="306" y="188" width="30" height="29" xoffset="1" yoffset="4" xadvance="26" page="0" chnl="0" letter="#"/> <char id="36" x="403" y="97" width="27" height="43" xoffset="1" yoffset="-4" xadvance="25" page="0" chnl="0" letter="$"/> <char id="37" x="380" y="2" width="36" height="44" xoffset="1" yoffset="-5" xadvance="32" page="0" chnl="0" letter="%"/> <char id="38" x="120" y="143" width="32" height="42" xoffset="1" yoffset="-3" xadvance="26" page="0" chnl="0" letter="&"/>
Below is a link to the actual output file and project file.