Manage my subscription

  • administrators

    Once you have signed up to the Glyph Designer subscription through our store and applied the license file to Glyph Designer, you can manage your subscription.

    Inside Glyph Designer under the Glyph Designer menu item is an option called Manage Subscription. This is only enabled if the application is licensed and the subscription is current.
    Selecting this menu item will open your browser and take you to your subscription management page as shown below.

    Screen Shot 2015-05-19 at 14.54.34.png

    From this page you can change your payment method, address and also cancel your subscription.

    When you cancel your subscription, Glyph Designer will continue to be registered until the period in which you cancelled has expired. From that point you will no longer be charged and Glyph Designer will not allow projects to be saved, although you can load projects and export them.

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